Reinforce Europeans Digital, literacy and numeracy skills
Project: Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020 – KA2 Strategic Partnerships
European partners
- Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work (The Netherlands) – Lead Organization
- Fundaciòn Siglo 22 (Spain)
- Natsionalen ucheben tsentar (Bulgaria)
- JKVG vzw (Belgium)
- Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
- Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje (Slovenia)
- New service s.r.l (Italy)
Timeline: 36 months form 1/09/2017 to 31/08/2020
Summary of the project
In Europe, one in five 16-65 year-olds have poor reading skills. It is estimated that around 55 million adults between 16 and 65 years old have to deal with these difficulties. Research shows that Europeans between ages 26-35 ranked highest in low literacy, followed by those aged from 16-25, than by those aged 36-45 concluded by 46 years and older. This group can be seen as a group that also has the most interest and advantage by gaining digital, literacy and numeracy skills especially.
The EU representatives in this project partnership will therefore create a modern and innovative platform – The RED platform (“Reinforce Europeans Digital, literacy and numeracy skills”) which provides an individual baseline test to detect low literacy and low numeracy, educational materials regarding these topics, materials to present (via video, audio incl. concepts) the ‘digital’ services of social and public (governmental) organisations and provides a roadmap, in which all social and public (governmental) organisations in the local region applicable for this target group are categorized, can be found and contacted.
This means the RED platform will be set-up as an innovative instrument, which teaches digital skills, tackles low literacy and low numeracy to finally increase social participation and empower the target group.
The innovative nature of the RED platform is that this platform provides information in threefold and empowers the target group namely regarding their self-sufficiency. Not one platform offers the combination of the following elements, including the focus on self-sufficiency, autonomous learning opportunities, commitment and reinforcement.
For more information, please, visit the project website http://www.red-project.eu/index.php/en/
Watch the video of the event on the results of the project